Called a “superhero who survived a world of brutal addiction,” Dellenna Harper will share her honest and inspirational story at “A Celebration of Healing and Hope” on March 24, 2022 at Nazareth College in celebration of Women’s History Month and Social Work Month.
Harper, an alumna of Nazareth and Monroe Community College, has written a mesmerizing account of her descent into a deep, dark place, and her challenging climb out to become a dedicated social worker. She is the author of the book God’s Teardrop: My journey of healing from addiction and prostitution. Jane Sutter Brandt, owner of Sutter Communications in Pittsford, is the co-author.
Harper will speak to a live audience at 7 p.m. March 24 at Beston Hall in the Glazer Music Performance Center at Nazareth College. The event is free and will be live-streamed to those who prefer not to attend in person. A question-and-answer session will include Nazareth students in attendance and MCC students viewing remotely.
Excellus BlueCross BlueShield is the Title Sponsor of the event, with MCC and Nazareth College as sponsors in partnership with the YWCA of Rochester and Monroe County’s annual STAND Against Racism 2022.
The event is free, but registration is requested at go.naz.edu/Harper. A Zoom link will be emailed to registrants who want to attend virtually.
Harper will tell of her experience living with racism, sexism, bullies, oppression, shame, guilt and addiction. While her story has been described as a “down to the bone account” of the darkness of addiction and prostitution, and the many challenges of recovery, the story is also one of the incredible resilience of the human spirit.
Harper, a Minnesota native and Black woman, was addicted to crack cocaine for about 10 years. After spending time in prison and traveling around the country, she ended up in Rochester, often homeless and ultimately being arrested for prostitution. She started the road to healing after being released from the Monroe County Jail and entering The Jennifer House, a prison ministry program sponsored by Spiritus Christi Church in Rochester.
From there, she lived at the YWCA in Rochester for almost two years before moving into her own apartment in Irondequoit. While at the YWCA, Dellenna returned to college. She earned an associate’s degree in addictions counseling from MCC, a bachelor’s degree in social work from Nazareth College, and a master’s degree in social work from the Greater Rochester Collaborative of The College at Brockport and Nazareth.
Dellenna stayed connected to The Jennifer House, working there throughout her college studies and eventually becoming its director. In recent years, she returned to her native Minnesota to care for her elderly parents, and now is Director of Hope Harbor and Harvest Hill Programs (housing for the formerly homeless) at The Salvation Army in Minneapolis.
God’s Teardrop is available in paperback and on Kindle through Amazon, and in paperback and on Nook through Barnes and Noble and at Cerebral Kingdom bookstore in downtown Rochester.
For more information on God’s Teardrop, go to: suttermedia.net/books/godsteardrop.
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