Are you wanting to make it easier for potential clients to find your business on the Internet?
Then you should consider blogging regularly on your company’s website.
Why should a business owner have a blog? Here are my six key reasons.
Search Engine Optimization.
Every time you post a new blog entry, you create a new indexed page that search engines can display in their posts. So this helps your website rank in search engines and helps people to find your business when they are searching for a product or service.
Establish yourself as an expert.
This gives you credibility with your audience.
Offer “calls to action.”
A blog offers you a place to offer goods and services, whether you are selling them or offering a freebie. Bloggers often offer extremely short e-books or PDFs to people who sign up to follow the blog. This gives you more emails for your outreach.
These next statistics are from HubSpot.
Companies that blog have 55 percent more website visitors.
That’s SEO at work for you.
B2C companies that blog get 88 percent more leads per month than those that don’t.
Your blog will create interaction with potential customers.
B2B companies that blog get 67 percent more leads per month than those that don’t.
Even other companies are turning to blogs to find expertise to help them with their business needs.
If you’re interested in learning more about blogging, I’m teaching Blogging 101 on Oct. 17 at Writers and Books. And on Nov. 1 and Writers and Books, I’m teaching a more advanced class, Blogging 201 for people who already have a blog and want to take it to the next level to grow traffic and interaction. Each of these classes is 2 hours. Click on the links for more details.
On Nov. 12, I’m teaching Blogging for Business through SCORE. This 3-hour class will combine those two, hitting the highlights of each class. Again, click on the link for more info.
If you’re blogging now, I’d love to hear about your successes and where you’d like to grow. And I hope to see you at one of these upcoming classes.